Write a review and receive a €20 bol.com gift card
Write a review and receive a €20 bol.com gift card
From April 1st, 2024 to May 31st, 2024, you will receive a €20 bol.com gift card for leaving a review about Dutch Bakery on Indeed. Follow our step-by-step guide on this page to leave a review and claim your gift card.
- Click here or scan the QR code below. After clicking the link, a new tab will open, redirecting you to the Dutch Bakery Review page on Indeed.
- The questions you see are optional, so feel free to skip any that do not apply to you. Click ‘continue’ to proceed.
- On the next page, please write a review about Dutch Bakery and fill in all required fields (marked with an asterisk). You may provide additional information, but it is not required. Click ‘Complete’ to proceed to the login page and submit your review.
- Please login. Note: If you do not have an account yet, you must create one using your email address. Make sure to check the box that says ‘Vink dit vakje aan als je geen marketingmails van indeed wilt ontvangen‘ Otherwise, you may receive advertising from Indeed! To confirm your account, please check your email.
- After completing this step, you will be directed to a page that says ‘Bedankt voor je tijd.’ You may then close the page. If you are using a shared computer at Dutch Bakery, remember to log out of Indeed.
- Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for your review to be reviewed and approved. You will receive an email notification once this process is complete.
- To claim the €20 bol.com gift card, forward the email showing that your review has been approved to recruitment@dutchbakery.nl. Please mention your name when forwarding the email. If you wish to keep the review anonymous, please remove the text containing your review from the email.
The detailed terms and conditions for the gift card for placing a review on Indeed can be found here.
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